Grants are only provided on a “invitation only” basis. However, please feel free to submit a letter of inquiry to “The BWL & KSL Education Foundation” to: “” or by using the form under the “Contact Us” link. Your Letter of Inquiry (LOI) MUST be in alignment with the Foundation’s mission in order to be considered as a potential grant recipient. Please include an executive summary with your submission. Grants may range from $3,000 to $5,000. LOIs may be accepted from September 15 – October 31.
Grant recipients are as follows:
- Bartlesville Education Promise STEM Camp Scholarships
- Bartlesville Education Promise Reading/Tutoring
- Bartlesville Public Schools Foundation Teacher Grants
- Caney Valley Middle School STEM Robotics
- Jane Phillips Elementary Summer School
- Lowe Family Young Scholars Program
- Oklahoma Wesleyan University Prep Classes
- Paths To Independence Scholarships
- Rogers State University Concurrent Classes
- Tri-County Tech STEM Summer Camps
- Batlesville Education Promise
- Bartlesville Public Schools – Hoover
- Bartlesville Public Schools – Ranch Heights
- Bartlesville Public Schools Foundation
- Lowe Family Young Scholars Program
- Rogers State University
- Tri County Tech – Bartlesville
- Batlesville Education Promise: Bartlesville Public Schools Reading & Tutoring, STEM Camp Tuition Scholarships
- Bartlesville Public Schools Ag Class Curriculum
- Bartlesville Public Schools Library Furnishings
- Bartlesville Public Schools Madison Field Trips
- Lowe Family Young Scholars Program
- Rogers State University: Concurrent Class Scholarships
- Tri-County Tech: Stem Camps
- Washington County School Supply Drive
- Bartlesville Education Promise: STEM Camp Tuition Scholarships, Bartlesville Public Schools Reading & Tutoring
- Bartlesville Public Schools: Agriculture Education Curriculum
- Bartlesville Public School Foundation: Elementary STEM initiative, Teacher Classroom Grants
- LFYS Program: Program Expenses
- Tri-County Tech: STEM Camps
- Rogers State University/Bartlesville Public Schools: Concurrent Enrollment Tuition Scholarships for Low-Income Students
- Oklahoma Wesleyan University/Bartlesville Public Schools: Concurrent Enrollment Tuition Scholarships
- Bartlesville Education Promise: STEM Camp Tuition Scholarships, Bartlesville Public Schools Tutoring
- LFYS Program: Program Expenses
- Tri-County Tech: STEM Camps
- Rogers State University/Bartlesville Public Schools: Concurrent Enrollment Tuition Scholarships for Low-Income Students
- Oklahoma Wesleyan University/Bartlesville Public Schools: Concurrent Enrollment Tuition Scholarships
- Bartlesville Education Promise: STEM Camp Tuition Scholarships, Bartlesville Public Schools Tutoring
- LFYS Program: Program Expenses
- Tri-County Tech: STEM Camps
- Bartlesville Education Promise: Transition Camp Support, STEM Camp Tuition Scholarships, Bartlesville High School Tutoring
- LFYS Program: Program Expenses
- Tri-County Tech: Stem Camps
- LFYS Program: Program Expenses
Grants submissions are by invitation only. Only those with the appropriate password may submit a grant request. Grant recipients will need to log back in and complete a Grant Report after project completion or before further funds will be distributed to the recipient.